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National Asphalt Pavement Association

2023 Quality in Construction Recipient
  • I-40 in Oklahoma City, OK
  • 1-35 in Oklahoma City, OK
  • US 66 in Edmond, OK
  • US 66 (Mother Rd.) near Wellston, OK
2022 Quality in Construction Recipient
  • Turner Turnpike near Stroud, OK
  • I-35 between 10th Street and 63rd Street in OKC, OK
  • I-40 in Okemah, OK
2020 Quality in Construction Recipient
  • Kickapoo Turnpike, SH-9 near Seminole, Ok, Stillwater Airport
2019 Quality in Constructing and Community Involvement Recipient
  • City of Edmond (Thomas Dr.,) SH-37 near Tuttle, Ok. and E-W 136 in Washington, Ok.
  • Dolese “Rock the Block” neighborhood benefit
2018 Quality in Construction and Community Involvement Recipient
  • SH-74 in N. Oklahoma City, I-40 near Clinton, Ok., Cross Timbers Trail

Oklahoma Asphalt Pavement Association

2023 OAPA Asphalt Awards
  • Econtuchka Road in Seminole County, NE 10th Street in Blanchard, OK, I-40 in Oklahoma City, OK
2021 Awards
  • SW 104th Street between I-35 and I-44 in Oklahoma City
2020 Awards
  • Kickapoo Turnpike, SH-9 near Seminole, Ok, Stillwater Airport, Pole Rd. in OKC
2019 Awards
  • City of Edmond (Thomas Dr.,) Pine St. in Guthrie, Ok. and E-W 136 in Washington, Ok.
2018 Recognition
  • SH-74 in N. Oklahoma City, Tinker AFB KC-46A Apron, Cross Timbers Elementary Trail

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